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Negro League Soul:1903-04 Championship Series Cuban X Giants v Phil Giants

Presented by Community Cup Classic Foundation at Online/Virtual Space

Mar 11 2023
Negro League Soul:1903-04 Championship Series Cuban X Giants v Phil Giants

With support from Cuyahoga Arts and Culture, we continue our series of programs showcasing the triumphant legacy of Negro League baseball.

In a pair of series in 1903 & 1904 the Cuban X-Giants and Philadelphia Giants clashed for what was then called the Colored Championship of Baseball (Ed. note: we can change that to read the Championship of Black Baseball if preferred – I never know how to comfortably use the language of the day). The two heavyweights of Black baseball featured all the brightest stars of the day, including Home Run Johnson, Sol White, Frank Grant, and Andrew Foster, a young pitcher who’d recently acquired a ... view more »


We are thankful to the Cuyahoga County Arts and Culture Council for funds to support our efforts. As a result all programs are free

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