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A Return to Bach’s Coffeehouse

Presented by Apollo's Fire at Rocky River Presbyterian Church, Rocky River OH

May 14 2023
A Return to Bach’s Coffeehouse

A famous Leipzig coffeehouse in the 18th century was the scene of lively musical duels; our musical fencing matches include Bach’s Concerto for Oboe & Violin and Telemann’s Concerto for Flute & Recorder.

A famous Leipzig coffeehouse in the 18th century was the scene of lively musical duels, as J.S. Bach led concerts featuring double-concertos. Our musical fencing matches include Bach’s Concerto for Oboe & Violin and Telemann’s Concerto for Flute & Recorder.
Featured Artists:

Kathie Stewart, flauto traverso
Dapna Mor, recorder
Debra Nagy, oboe


Ticket prices range from $25-$75 with student, young adult (under 40), and senior (65+) discounts.


Rocky River Presbyterian Church

21750 Detroit Road, Rocky River, OH 44116

Price Discounts

Price Options: Discount - Senior, Discount - Student

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