Coventry PEACE Campus

Coventry PEACE Campus

Arts Council/Alliance - Association/Club/Group - Dance - Educational - Festival - Food/Drink - Music - Nonprofit - Performing Arts Center - Poetry & Literature - Theatre - Traditional Arts - Visual Arts



 2843 Washington Blvd., Cleveland Heights, OH 44118

P.E.A.C.E. stands for People Enhancing A Community’s Environment. Coventry P.E.A.C.E. Campus is a self-sustaining arts, culture, and education non-profit cooperative. We support the missions and programming of our member organizations through coordinating and assisting with special events and projects, programming, volunteers, and networking. Through these efforts, we also help to connect community members with the organizations that we serve.

We are located in the heart of Coventry Village neighboring the historical business district, the playground and park, and the Coventry Village branch of Heights Library.

2843 Washington Blvd.
Cleveland Heights, OH 44118