Parma Heights Historical Society

Parma Heights Historical Society

Educational - History/Heritage - Kids & Family - Museum - Nonprofit

 440 884-9600

 6200 Pearl Road, Parma Heights, OH 44130

The Parma Heights Historical Society was founded in 1972 with the intent of gathering historical information while beautifying the city and promoting a positive image of the community. The members’ first major initiative was to conduct fundraising for the recreation of a replica of the Toll Gate building that was in service from 1876 to 1907: the toll gate sat on Pearl Road at the corner of Old York road and was owned and operated by the Parma and Brooklyn Wooden Plank Road company.  In 1980, the Parma Heights Historical Society built the historically-accurate replica which serves as its home base and houses historical records and artifacts.   The Parma Heights Historical Society now promotes civic functions (Easter Egg Hunt, Pumpkin Painting) in an effort to work in collaboration with the city to engage residents while promoting interest in the history of the community. The Toll Gate, located in the Greenbrier Commons,  is normally open to the public on a regular basis, but with the Covid pandemic hours are for special occasions only.