Aug 17 - 24 2021
Art for Relaxation: Landscapes of the Heart A Virtual Healing Arts Workshop

Art for Relaxation: Landscapes of the Heart A Virtual Healing Arts Workshop

Presented by Hospice of the Western Reserve at Online/Virtual Space

Painting a natural landscape can sometimes help reveal one’s emotional landscape. Is there a certain landscape that conveys your mood and feeling? Paint from a stock photograph, use one of your own, or just paint how the landscape of YOUR heart feels.

Admission Info

This is a virtual workshop.

Call Mollie Borgione at 216.486.6544 or email:
to register.

There is no cost to attend this workshop.

Phone: 216-486-6544


Dates & Times

2021/08/17 - 2021/08/24

Additional time info:

For this virtual workshop series, we are using the Microsoft Teams platform, which is similar to Zoom.  If you register, you are sent an email invitation which provides a link to join the workshop series.  Each workshop consists of two sessions, a week apart.

At the first session, a theme or topic is introduced, and we have a discussion.  You will be given instructions on the art assignment for the week, and the basic supplies you will need will be shipped to you.  We get back together the second session to share and talk about your art.  The supplies will be new and yours to keep.

Call Mollie Borgione at 216.486.6544 or email: to register no later than two weeks in advance of workshop date.  Please make sure to include your home address so that supplies can be mailed to you.

We have waived our suggested $5 donation for supplies during the pandemic.  However, if you wish to make a donation to the Healing Arts Program, go to our website, and click on Donate Now to find out how.

Location Info

Online/Virtual Space