Sharon Dundee

Sharon Dundee

Painting - Visual Artist - Mixed media/Collage

   5179 Chickadee Lane, Cleveland, OH, 44124

“Whether you succeed or not is irrelevant, there is no such thing. Making your unknown known is the important thing.” – Georgia O’Keeffe

Throughout my career in digital graphic design/marketing, I have circled back to my “hands-on” art periodically, though not nearly often enough. The upside of COVID was allowing me the time and focus to hunker down and go back to my artist’s roots. The freedom I feel when working, guided strictly by my inner self, is the perfect counterpoint to the more restrictive “rules” of graphic design–which are often dictated by outside influences–clients, corporate branding, etc. Without the space to create by myself, for myself, I would not be able to function as a creative person. My preferred approach is abstract collage in various media.


Sharon Dundee, BFA, has been creating art and teaching art-related courses and workshops for many years. Her most recent works are focused on abstract expressionism and its connection to the inner self/subconscious. Her artwork has been accepted and awarded at various juried shows, and her skills in graphic and publication design have been recognized throughout her career.