Elizabeth Emery

Elizabeth Emery

Sculpture - Visual Artist - podcast producer & host


Website: http://elizabethemery.com/home.html

Blog URL: https://us10.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=b31d942f39a20a2522b6b1954&id=0451ff2776


   5702 Franklin Blvd, Cleveland, OH, 44102

Elizabeth Emery earned an MFA from Alfred University and a BA in Art History and Italian Studies from the University of Pennsylvania. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally and is included in public collections including The Cleveland Clinic, Progressive Insurance, Columbus Metropolitan Library, American Greetings, Rockefeller Collection (Dresden, Germany), Metro Health, Westin Hotel Cleveland, Cleveland Artists Association, Schein-Joseph International Museum of Ceramic Art.

In 2018 Emery was selected as one of 18 local, national, and international Artists-in-Residence for FRONT International: Cleveland Triennial for Contemporary Art. In 2017 & 2015 Emery received an Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award, and a Dave Bown Award of Excellence in 2015.

Her work is informed by physical movement, gravity, plus daily sightings of color, pattern, and unexpected combinations.

In 2016 Emery launched a podcast about female athletes and women in sport called Hear Her Sports. Find it at hearhersports.com, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or on your favorite podcast player.